

BaseRange is an abstract base class that provides the common interface for all OpenRange objects. Like the built-in range object, BaseRange is a subclass of Sequence and supports all of the common sequence operations. The constructor for BaseRange uses the same arguments and defaults as the built-in range.

Subclasses of BaseRange need only define how to convert between the type of objects within the progression and an underlying numeric type. To do so, these two abstract methods must be implemented:

def _item_to_num(self, item):
    """Convert the item to a numerical value."""

def _num_to_item(self, num):
    """Convert the value to an item in the progression."""

For example, to implement a range-like object that generates objects, _item_to_num would convert a item to a numerical representation like seconds since the epoch. Conversly, _num_to_item would converts seconds since the epoch back to a object.

Once these two methods are implemented, everything else is handled by BaseRange.

In some cases, the step type may differ from the items within the progression. In this case, a subclass should implement the following conversion methods:

def _step_to_num(self, step):
    """Convert supplied step item to a numeric value."""

def _num_to_step(self, num):
    """Convert supplied numeric value to a step item."""

For the example, the step would be implemented as a datetime.timedelta object. The _step_to_num method would convert a datetime.timedelta object to seconds whereas _num_to_step would convert seconds back to a datetime.timedelta object.

The default implementations of the step conversion methods assume the step is of the same type as start and stop, and therefore fall back to calling the _item_to_num and _num_to_item methods.


Here’s a simple, yet full implementation of a range-like object that iterates over strings representing binary numbers.

from openrange import BaseRange

class BinaryStrRange(BaseRange):

    def _item_to_num(self, item):
        return int(str(item), 2)
    def _num_to_item(self, num):
        return "{n:b}".format(n=num)

for i in BinaryStrRange("1000"):
    print i,

# prints:
# 0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000

You can see how the two required methods, _item_to_num and _num_to_item convert between string and integer values. You can also see the default value for start is 0 and step is 1, just like the built-in range.


You may have noticed that the BaseRange implementation is not quite identical to the built-in range. Unlike the built-in range, BaseRange implements iteration as inclusive of the stop value. The built-in range is exclusive of the stop value because it is commonly used to generate integers for zero-based indexing of lists. The typical usage of BaseRange will likely not be to generate integer types and so the decision was made to make the iteration inclusive of the stop value.


Like python 2’s built-in xrange and python 3’s built-in range object, BaseRange does its best to avoid evaluating items in the progression until it has to. In cases where this is unavoidable, that method’s documentation will say so.


OpenRange comes with a generic numerical range-like class called Range. This class inherits BaseRange and supports any numeric type (float, int, decimal.Decimal, etc.) for its start, stop, and step values. Iterating over a Range object yields int and/or float items depending on the values within the progression.

The primary purpose of Range is for testing BaseRange, but it can also be used to show some of the additional features that BaseRange provides that don’t exist in the built-in range. These features are highlighted in the sections below.


An enumerate method is available for generating tuples of the form (count, item) for items within the progression. The method is similar to python’s built-in enumerate method, including the optional start argument.

>>> from openrange.rng import Range
>>> for i in Range(-1.0, 1, .5).enumerate():
...     print str(i),
(0, -1) (1, -0.5) (2, 0.0) (3, 0.5) (4, 1.0)

>>> for i in Range(-1, 1, .5).enumerate(start=5):
...     print str(i),
(5, -1) (6, -0.5) (7, 0.0) (8, 0.5) (9, 1.0)


BaseRange subclasses allow iteration over a progression with the ability to exclude certain items. This is possible using the excluding method supplied with a list of items to exclude. The items in the iterable should be of the same type as the object’s start and stop arguments.

>>> from openrange.rng import Range
>>> for i in Range(-1.0, 1, .5).excluding([0, 1, 10]):
...     print str(i),
-1 -0.5 0.5

random iteration

Another feature of BaseRange subclasses is the ability to iterate over items in the progression in a random order using the random method.

>>> from openrange.rng import Range
>>> for i in Range(-1.0, 1, .5).random():
...     print str(i),
1.0 0.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0

repeat iteration

For cases where iterating of the progression multiple times is useful, the repeat method can be used. By default, it will generate the items in the progression 2 times. The optional times argument can be used to repeat the items more than twice.

>>> from openrange.rng import Range
>>> for i in Range(-1, 1, .5).repeat():
...     print str(i),
-1 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

>>> for i in Range(-1, 1, .5).repeat(times=3):
...     print str(i),
-1 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

datetime Ranges

OpenRange comes with 3 additional example range-like implementations based on types defined in python’s datetime module. These objects are highlighted in the following sections.


DateRange generates objects between given start and stop objects. The step value is provided as a datetime.timedelta object. Here are some examples:

# coming soon...


DatetimeRange generates datetime.datetime objects between given start and stop datetime.datetime objects. The step value is provided as a datetime.timedelta object. Here are some examples:

# coming soon...


TimeRange generates datetime.time objects between given start and stop datetime.time objects. The step value is provided as a datetime.timedelta object. Here are some examples:

# coming soon...